ICAO ( Ref Doc 9981. PANS - Aerodoms)
1. Runway Condition Report(RCR) The philosophy of the RCR is that the aerodrome operator assesses the runway surface conditions
whenever water, snow, slush, ice or frost are present on an operational runway. From this assessment, a runway
condition code (RWYCC) and a description of the runway surface are reported which can be used by the flight crew for
aeroplane performance calculations. This format, based on the type, depth and coverage of contaminants, is the best
assessment of the runway surface condition by the aerodrome operator; however, all other pertinent information will be
taken into consideration and be kept up to date and changes in conditions reported without delay. When the runway is wholly or partly contaminated by standing water, snow, slush, ice or frost, or is wet
associated with the clearing or treatment of snow, slush, ice or frost, the runway condition report should be
disseminated through the AIS and ATS services. When the runway is wet, not associated with the presence of standing
water, snow, slush, ice or frost, the assessed information should be disseminated using the runway condition report
through the ATS only.
Note.— Operationally relevant information concerning taxiways and aprons are covered in the situational
awareness section of the RCR.
2. Runway Conditions Assessment Matrix(RCAM)
3. Runway Condition Codes(RwyCC)
- The assessed RWYCC to be reported for each third of the runway is determined by following the
procedure described in to If 25 per cent or less area of a runway third is wet or covered by contaminant, a RWYCC 6 shall be
reported. If the distribution of the contaminant is not uniform, the location of the area that is wet or covered by the
contaminant is described in the plain language remarks part of the situational awareness section of the runway
condition report. If multiple contaminants are present where the total coverage is more than 25 per cent but no single
contaminant covers more than 25 per cent of any runway third, the RWYCC is based upon the judgment by trained
personnel, considering what contaminant will most likely be encountered by the aeroplane and its likely effect on the
aeroplane’s performance. An assigned RWYCC 1 or 0 can be upgraded using the following procedures (but see also
a) if a properly operated and calibrated State-approved measuring device and all other observations support a
higher RWYCC as judged by trained personnel;
b) the decision to upgrade RWYCC 1 or 0 cannot be based upon one assessment method alone. All available
means of assessing runway slipperiness are to be used to support the decision;
c) when RWYCC 1 or 0 is upgraded, the runway surface is assessed frequently during the period the higher
RWYCC is in effect to ensure that the runway surface condition does not deteriorate below the assigned code; Upgrading of RWYCC 1 or 0 using the procedures in shall not be permitted to go beyond a
RWYCC 3. Two consecutive pilot reports of runway braking action of POOR shall trigger an assessment if an
RWYCC of 2 or better has been reported. When one pilot has reported a runway braking action of LESS THAN POOR, the information shall be
disseminated, a new assessment shall be made and the suspension of operations on that runway shall be considered.
Note 1.― If considered appropriate, maintenance activities may be performed simultaneously or before a new
assessment is made.
- RwyCC가 유효한 것은 1 ~ 6
- 0 = Braking action Nil = FICON에도 report X, Rwy close
- Code가 1 ~ 5로 나올 경우, 공항관리자는 ATC에 반드시 말 해줘야함
- ATC는 활주로의 3구역 모두 6으로 나올 경우 RwyCC 발부 X
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